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Architectural Sale Looks for Sellers

21st May 2015

So look in your Cellar, Shed or Garage, and Claim your Sale Reward! Amongst items already lined up for the hammer at H&H Auction Rooms’ next Architectural Sale are a fine collection of vintage stone troughs, a blacksmith-made gate stop with a detailed image, and a magnificent pony cart. The Architecture Sale will be held at Borderway Mart, in the Exhibition ring on May 28th at 5.00 pm following Harrison and Hetherington’s earlier two implement sales. These are a sale of tractors, machinery, plant and small tools and a sale of Vintage and Classic Tractors, implements, stationary engines and workshop equipment. Stephen Farthing, the Sales Auctioneer adds: “We also have up for auction on the day a collection of fine road and advertising signs, and a taxidermy piglet, which has to be a genuine case of a rare breed!” He continues, “In spite of the entries already lined up, we are still expecting more. If you have an old item which could do with a new owner, who might be happy to liberate some cash in your direction, please let us know. Allow your imagination to stray over the older items in your garden shed or garage. We can certainly sell your vintage stone troughs, your vintage rollers and mowers. Whether a humble AA sign or a pony cart straight out of Thomas Hardy, we can promise you there’s a keen buyer out there who will be at the sale on the 28th. “As it’s an architectural sale, we are looking for anything that somebody’s building restoration project might need to complete a transformation. If in doubt, give us a ring” H&H Auction Rooms is one of the longest established auction houses in the North of England. It traces its roots in Carlisle back to 1890 when the firm was founded by H E Winter. In 1999 it became part of H&H Group plc, one of the largest livestock auction groups of companies in Europe. The sale is at Borderway, Rosehill, on the outskirts of Carlisle, adjacent Junction 43 of the M6. Viewing is available on the Friday before the sale 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-12pm and from 9am the morning of the sale. For more information please visit www.hhauctionrooms.co.uk or telephone Stephen on 01228 406 320.   ENDS
